ART ENCOUNTERS | Appearance & Essence | 3-31 OCTOBER 2015 TIMISOARA | ARAD
Alex Mirutziu
(1981, Sibiu, România - lives and works in Cluj-Napoca, România)
Part of Generation Y, Alex Mirutziu (born 1981, lives and works in Romania), grew up in precariously improvised Communist Romania, at a time when “The People’s House” was erected. The construction of the building forever changed his attachment to form, as it has been largely the direct expression of Ceausescu’s body language.
When studying painting (2000—2004 University of Arts, Cluj) he worked with personal narratives to thereafter going through physical theatre (2007—2009 Huddersfield University, UK) to spark a constant interest in the position of things, in form as — loss of form, which foments, alongside an interest in philosophy and design. All these are instruments to punch clean the discussion of closure and how the space after something ends is orchestrated. From 2009 he lectured in Romania and abroad on what it means to perform today, as well as the relationship between totalitarian architecture and generation Y. Most recently he collaborated with Graham Harman, Graham Foust, and Swedish design agency Söderhavet.