ART ENCOUNTERS | Appearance & Essence | 3-31 OCTOBER 2015 TIMISOARA | ARAD
Iosif Kiràly
(Born in 1957, Reșița, România - lives and works in București, România)
Iosif Kiràly is an artist and architect based in Bucharest. His work focuses on the relationship between perception, time and memory. In the 70s he attended the only Romanian Bauhaus-influenced art school in Timisoara where he worked closely with Doru Tulcan and Sigma group. He graduated Architecture in Bucharest and in the 80s he was active in the mail-art (an underground movement rooted in Fluxus) and connected to an international network of artists. Since the 90s he has been involved in various art projects, either independently or as member of subREAL group. Since 2000, he has collaborated with a team of architects in a photo-documentary project on the changes in daily life and urban environment in post-communist Romania. He has an extensive international exhibition record, and has participated in numerous biennials. He is professor at the National University of Arts in Bucharest, where he co-founded (in 1995) the Department of Photography and Time-Based Media Arts.