ART ENCOUNTERS | Appearance & Essence | 3-31 OCTOBER 2015 TIMISOARA | ARAD
Liliana Mercioiu Popa
(1975, Târgu-Jiu, România - lives and works in Timișoara, România)
Her artistic activity reflects a divergent, experimental vision, in which the freedom of transposing ideas through various media such as installations, objects or photography, does not dismiss the traditional ones, such as drawing and painting. In their turn, they become fields of investigation and the material support for obsessive questions.
The subjects approached through my art are either social in nature (e.g. the perception and impact of the surrounding environment on people, the analysis of certain behavioral situations of city dwellers) or of the ars poetica type, focusing on the necessity to self-define in relation to art and/or the world (searching for connections among the multiple faces of existence/reality in order to find evidence of the world being a coherent structure).