ART ENCOUNTERS | Appearance & Essence | 3-31 OCTOBER 2015 TIMISOARA | ARAD
Bogdan Gîrbovan
(1981, Dr. Tr. Severin, România - lives and works in București, România)
'I never had a lack of subjects therefore I was never forced to look for them, because subjects are always chasing me. There is not enough tape, enough time nor space to include them all. Curious and funny at the same time is that this direct approach sometimes turnes me into a sort of oddity in a world of art in which the experiment seems to be what matters the most, today and in general, in a world where almost everything has an arty touch... A sort of general inability to see the spectacular in my work caused me a frustration that I could call "the arrogance of the technique": in this way, I have always tried to compensate for the apparent lack of catchy elements through the best technique that I can maneuver.'