ART ENCOUNTERS | Appearance & Essence | 3-31 OCTOBER 2015 TIMISOARA | ARAD
Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu
(1991, Iași, România & 1991, Timișoara, România - live and work in Iași, România)
At the shelter of our micro community we try to assure our political / intellectual existence by means which could be understood as artistic. We feel the need of change within the social-political field and would like to put a shoulder to the materialization of this much needed movement, at least through the means available for us, i.e. questioning, underlining, sharing, so on and so forth.
We start our march from the position of the oppressed / marginal / the Other, and by appropriating the dominant Discourse, having as purpose the maintenance of its critic, we end up being absorbed by the multitude of layers of the Capital.